Find out what your concern is. Address the concern by adapting the right measures and feel positive about the baby.
Find out what your concern is. Address the concern by adapting the right measures and feel positive about the baby.
The anxiety and fear causes this kind of feelings. Analyse what you are scared of and what causes you anxious. By finding suitable solutions by talking to your partner or a family member or the physician get a clear idea to approach the problem.
Pregnancy is a time to slow down and adjust the body and mind to the ever demanding physical and psychological needs as the upsurge of hormones is more during this time. Accepting you body, taking help and saying no to those areas where you can, help you save a lot of energy.
By trusting and raising the level of awareness and confidence, you can handle the stress of demanding physical and psychological needs and also help the baby for a blissful stay through pregnancy and a smooth labour during delivery. With knowledge of meditation you can improve your self esteem and will fullness.
Through proper training and regular practice of yoga a mother can understand the innate strength of her body. By nourishing the muscles through stretches and improving its tone the pregnant woman can take control of her discomforts. Yoga serves this purpose as it is gentle and can be modified to ones flexibility level and proceeds […]
Pregnancy is a time to understand and listen to your body. Any exercise that is beyond your comfort will definitely hurt and might cause injury which is not for you to do. Yoga which is gentle can be learnt in graded version from easy level. You should always listen to your body and never cross […]
Yoga connects the body and mind easily. If any practice done with knowing its effects, the benefit will be felt almost immediately.
If you haven’t done anything before, depending on the trimester you are, the practice should be programmed and assessed by a trained teacher who can suggest you modifications.
When the mother’s body need to adapt to the growing baby and changing hormones, discomfort is inevitable. With strengthening of muscles and willful acceptance you can cope with the demands of the body.
Through mutual understanding and effective communication a couple can bring most functional, rational desires which they would look forward in their child. With right guidance and parenting desirable outcomes can be expected in the child.