What are the differences between 6, 9 and 12 session packages?

In the six sessions a mother learns that emotions of the mother have a conclusive effect on the growing fetus. The positive frame of mind can create the healthy cells which in turn can create a healthy baby.

In nine sessions the mother having realised the formation of the baby, would like to pass on her thoughts of what she would like to see in her baby. She also gets to strengthen her own physical and mental well being and prepare herself for a motherhood she had always looked for.

In 12 sessions apart from imbibing the above mentioned benefits she also gets to know her capacity to shape the mind of the unborn and also learns about the means and methods to create a conducive atmosphere for a stress free labor.

Ojas Foundation,
"OZONE PREMIA", No. 39, 9th Floor
Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai
Mylapore, Chennai-600 004
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