Getting To Know Your Newborn

Being pregnant is one experience, raising up your little one will be another. The first few months will demand a lot of attention. Every baby is different. Once you get to know your baby, things will be smooth. The period of birth is a vulnerable time for an infant, who is still undergoing many physiologic and behavioral adjustments with her new environment. No longer dependent on maternal circulation, all the body systems of the infant have to become self sufficient. The time when a baby is born is so precious. You know what is best for your baby. Trust your intuition, and do what you feel is right for your new baby. This helps them to feel safe, secure, and to establish a strong physical connection and space with their family.

Even though some parents need a few days to feel connected to their baby, babies come to us already in love. They are ready for interaction and are deeply connected to their parents. So take pride and delight in how soundly the baby sleeps on your chest and how your baby settles down in your arms after being fussy with a visitor.

After getting to know your newborn the critical time to build a strong foundation for literacy starts and the most vital part of education takes place early

Ojas Foundation,
"OZONE PREMIA", No. 39, 9th Floor
Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai
Mylapore, Chennai-600 004
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