Ease your Delivery

The birth of a child is an extraordinary experience for both the mother and the baby. From growing within a safe and protected environment, the baby is suddenly exposed into a totally different world. The baby inherits and exhibits survival instinct at birth and needs as much reassurance as the mother.
The mother-to-be should be prepared to release the baby from the womb and receive it in the external world. Many mothers view the process of labor with anxiety and fear. How to ease labor pains? If the mother-to-be equips herself on the process of labor and learns how to manage labor pain through relaxation techniques, the soothing energy gets carried over to the baby, which provides the baby with the physical and mental space required to navigate its way into the world peacefully.
Listening to the mantras establishes a channel of communication between the mother and the baby in helping her motivate the child and easing labor pains. Apart from eliminating fear of labour pains and anxiety, the mantras help the mother to discover and experience the joy of giving birth.