When the mother’s body need to adapt to the growing baby and changing hormones, discomfort is inevitable. With strengthening of muscles and willful acceptance you can cope with the demands of the body.
Hypertension, headache due to congestion, very weak abdominal muscles.
Lie on the floor close to a wall so that the buttock is against the wall. Slowly start raising the legs along the length of the wall. Relax and breathe normally.
Helps to get rid of varicose veins.
Indigestion, lack of appetite and constipation can be prevented.
Gives the benefit of headstand.
Can be practiced for postnatal stages.
Good for the internal organs of abdominal cavity
Pain on the knee. Severe back pain or stiffness at groin.
Lie on the floor with legs folded at knee. Keep the lower back on the floor. Relax the knees on either side naturally. Release arms towards head side. Normal breathing.
Stimulates abdominal organs like the ovaries and prostate gland, bladder, and kidneys
Stimulates the heart and improves general circulation. Stretches the inner thighs, groins, and knees
Helps relieve the symptoms of stress, mild depression, menstruation and menopause.
High or low blood pressure, severe headache, serious lower back or neck injury
Lie down on your back. Stretch your legs pointing the toes. Taking support of the palms under your thigh, lifting the chest up, place the crown of the head on the floor. Release the arms on your thighs.
Improves functioning of lungs and abdominal organs. Back and neck muscles also get strengthened.
Appendicitis, hernia, delicate lower abdomen.
Lie on your abdomen. Take both palms under respective thigh, rest the chin on the floor and raise the legs using abdominal and thigh muscles. Rhythmic breathing.
Helps to relieve back pain during menstrual cycles. Muscles of waist and abdomen are strengthened. Cures constipation. Curative and preventive for sciatica and lumbago
Severe backache, neck ache, stomachache, knee pain or abdominal disorders
Sit in vajrasana. Hold both palms at your lower back. Lifting the chin slightly, start bending from your waist so to release forehead on the floor or relax the head wherever it is convenient.
Helps to regain elasticity of the muscles after child birth. Constipation gets reduced. Large intestine gets the most of the benefit. Helps to cure lumbosacral pain.
Severe neck ache, back ache, pain in the abdomen, appendicitis.
Lie flat on the floor with your arms by your side. With exhalation lift both of your legs straight in the air keeping the knees straight. At the same time lift your upper body from the ground with your arms stretched out towards your legs.
Hold the posture until you feel your muscles getting tired and slowly place your body back onto the floor.
Naukasana strengthens belly muscles and thigh muscles.
Beneficial for kidneys, thyroid gland and prostate glands.
Improves digestion.
Spondylosis, slip disc, lumbago, sciatica(when in pain),abdominal pain
Stand and keep the spine straight. without bending at the waist let the right upper arm come near the right ear keeping the equilibrium. Repeat on the other side. Rhythmic breathing.
Lung capacity increases and a preventive against TB. Reduces fat around waist and abdomen. Corrects pain due to faulty postures while walking or standing.
Pain in joints (knees, ankles, wrist)
Expectant mothers.
Sit in vajrasana. Take your palms on the floor behind your back. Fingers  toward toes.
Torso tilting backwards. Relax head and neck. Rhythmic breathing
Relieves gastric troubles.
Improves functions of digestive, excretory organs
Tone and elasticity of anterior muscles enhanced.
BP, Pain in the abdomen, upper back and neck pain.
Lie on your back. Fold both legs at knee and bring it close to chest encircle the arms around the knee. If possible lift the head to bring chin to the knees. Rhythmic breathing. Aswini mudra can be done in two steps: First step, contract the anal muscles and relax for 5 counts. Second step, hold the anal muscles for 5 counts and then relax.
Relieves gastric troubles.
Improves digestive and excretory functions.
Improves functioning of anal sphinters.